When you find the perfect Mother’s Day gift, the next step is to think about a nice greeting card. Although there are loads of websites that offer to send out a virtual greeting message, we suggest to go retro and look for a paper card. Virtual greeting cards can be suitable for a quick Thank You note or when you’d like to cheer up your friend, but Mother’s day is more of a special occasion. Spend a little bit of your time on selecting a card with the right, tender words. A card that will make your mom smile every time it catches her eye.
Check out some amazing greeting card examples we found on Etsy.com for you:
Mom’s Anatomy – Mother’s Day Card by Able & Game
Love you mom – Mother’s Day Card by ArleenDesign
I Baked This For You – Mother’s Day Card by belleandboo
Sleep Thief – Mother’s Day Card by doodlelove
Look as good – Mother’s Day Card by Able & Game
Marvellous MOM – Mother’s Day Card by PearentheticalPress
Ladybug with Daisies – Mother’s Day Card by PuppyLoveCreations
Shabby Butterfly – Mother’s Day Card by AlmondCrafts
Little Bird on a Branch – Mother’s Day Card by apaperaffaire
Checked Green – Mother’s Day Card by QuirkynBerkeleyCards
Russian Dolls – Mother’s Day Card by doodlelove
Number One Mom – Mother’s Day Card by MissTanDesigns
And a bonus greeting card #13 for the mothers who like it a little spiced up;) by PietteCrafts
Happy Mother’s Day!