Have you ever been rejected from entering the nightclub because of your inappropriate look? It usually happens when you go to a nightclub in a group and one of your friends is wearing sneakers and bouncers just won’t let him enter. And your whole night out is ruined, because you can’t leave your friend outside alone, you now need to look for another club and so on. Damn, these bouncers can be very hard sometimes. The whole situation makes you so frustrated, that you want to scream:”I will sue you! It is against human rights!” Or, something similar to that.
Well, there are actually people who not only screamed, but took an action and have filed the case to court that alleged discrimination in nightclubs’ dress code enforcement. This happened in a nightclub in Kansas City’s downtown entertainment district. Seven members of a family who were celebrating a family reunion in the district on Aug. 22, 2009 were denied entry to the nightclub, because one of the family members’ attire did not conform to the district’s dress code. They also saw other people dressed the same they allowed in to the nightclub. So, they decided it is not fair and started a lawsuit and now the case got settled by the confidential amount of money.
The lawsuit and other complaints about alleged discrimination in the entertainment district’s dress code enforcement prompted lengthy debates on the City Council. Modifications were made to some of its dress code provisions last spring, which resulted in significant decrease of similar complaints.
This article really made me think, because on the one hand it proves that we should fight for our rights, sometimes it even pays off, but on the other hand, isn’t it just easier and better to prevent such situations? What would you choose: spend couple of year in court with no guarantee that you will be able to settle the case in your favor or you will make an effort and find out about the dress code rules in the place you are about to go and dress accordingly?
I would choose the second option, because it would save me time and my good spirits, and I would have a great party after all in the place I wanted to go. It is always your choice to make, though.
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The full article about the lawsuit can be found here.